Announcement : 

For the safety of our students WYKEHAM PLACE is BLOCKED OFF … No School Parking on Wykeham at all. Please use surrounding streets to park. Please park safely and avoid parking across driveways.  Thank you.                          Thursday 13th Feb – Meet the Teacher 5pm                 Monday 17th Feb – Whole school powhiri 10.15am                  Friday 21st Feb – Senior Assembly 2.15pm                Friday 28th Feb – Junior Assembly 2.15pm        Thursday 20th March – Whole School Triathlon                     Thursday 27th March – Colour Run 5pm                        Thursday 27th March – COL Sports Day

Learning Support

Currently Marlborough Primary is supporting children who are
performing below their peers in one or more curriculum areas.
We acknowledge that we cannot cater for all abilities but
endeavour to support a variety of special programmes that
match the identified needs, as is feasible at any given time
within the constraints of resources and available support.


The school may annually set priorities for specific programmes based on:
·         Need (as identified through data)
·         Resources
·         Staff recommendations. These are reviewed on a term by term basis.

The school will endeavor to provide support either internally or externally for all teachers to cater in some way for children with special needs in the classroom through differentiation within the curriculum and additional teacher aide support (if available).
Opportunities will be given to staff to up-skill in these areas as is feasible.