Announcement : 

Welcome back to Term 3!        Mon 5th Aug – Book Fair Parade @ 9am                  Mon 5th Aug – Book Fair opens @ 3pm    (Book Fair closes on Friday)                Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August – Goal Setting Meetings                 Friday 9th August – Kaipatiki Kahui Ako Matariki Festival                                Thursday 15th – Rippa Rugby                      Fri 23rd Aug – School Cross Country                         Thursday 29th Aug – Interschool Cross Country                              Thursday 5th September – Mini Fair                                 Friday 20th Sept – Speech Competition                       Friday 27th Sept – Last day of Term 3, School finishes at 3pm                

ERO Report

Marlborough School provides a welcoming, inclusive environment for its culturally diverse students, families and whānau. Most students achieve well in relation to National Standards. The school aims to empower students to be life-long learners in a nurturing and respectful environment.