Announcement : 

Welcome back to Term 3!        Mon 5th Aug – Book Fair Parade @ 9am                  Mon 5th Aug – Book Fair opens @ 3pm    (Book Fair closes on Friday)                Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August – Goal Setting Meetings                 Friday 9th August – Kaipatiki Kahui Ako Matariki Festival                                Thursday 15th – Rippa Rugby                      Fri 23rd Aug – School Cross Country                         Thursday 29th Aug – Interschool Cross Country                              Thursday 5th September – Mini Fair                                 Friday 20th Sept – Speech Competition                       Friday 27th Sept – Last day of Term 3, School finishes at 3pm                


Education Outside the Classroom

Sports Curriculum

Marlborough Primary School offers pupils the opportunity to play
a variety of sports including netball, touch, rippa, softball, cricket,
miniball, hockey, athletics and cross country either as part of a
school team or through the Glenfield Cluster School events.



EOTC All Year 5/6 pupils are offered the opportunity to
attend a 3 day camp at Camp Adair in Hunua. Camp Adair offers
pupils a daily structured programme with qualified instructors providing variety of activities that we can’t provide as teachers due to health and safety regulations. These include archery, abseiling and camp fires, using a variety of equipment.




The Junior School run PMP (Perception Motor
Control Program) sessions which are designed to
develop children’s physical motor skills. These skills
provide the foundations necessary for success in
their early school years. Please contact the school
office if you are able to offer support during these
very important sessions.